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Building Hybrid Apps with .NET MAUI for iOS, Android, Mac, & Windows | React, Vue.js, Angular & More

Looking to build hybrid apps for mobile & desktop? Maybe you have some React, Vue.js, or Angular, or heck just some arbitrary HTML/JS/CSS content sitting around and want to add some native functionality? With the experimental HybridWebView for .NET MAUI you can! How that content in a WebView and enable communication between the code in the WebView (JavaScript) and the code that hosts the WebView (C#/.NET). For example, if you have an existing React JS application, you could host it in a cross-platform .NET MAUI native application, and build the back-end of the application using C# and .NET. You can mix and match native UI and web UI, and I show you how!

GitHub Repo:
Blazor Hybrid Tutorial:

00:00 – Intro
00:36 – What is .NET MAUI & Hybrid Apps?
02:17 – Blazor Hybrid Walkthrough
03:50 – Our first hybrid app with .NET MAUI
13:15 – Accessing native APIs
14:45 – ReactJS hybrid app…

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