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DO THIS RIGHT NOW While You Still CAN! For TrollStore 2 On Unsupported iOS Versions!

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▶ Get AnyUnlock to fix forgotten / accidental Apple ID, MDM, Screen Lock, and more:

If you are running an iOS version that is not supported by TrollStore 2, not everything is lost. For the people running iOS 16.7.x, you can still install iOS 17.0 even though it’s been unsigned for a long time. To do so, you use the DelayOTA method which allows you to install iOS 17.0 until the profile expires on December 20th this year. You have a week or so left, so I advise you to move fast.

iOS 17.0 doesn’t currently have an installation method for TrollStore, but TrollStore is compatible with iOS 17 so once an installation method is made you should be good. iOS 16.7.x is not supported and will never be since the CoreTrust bug used in TrollStore was patched there. Same thing for iOS 17.0.x and newer. You cannot use DelayOTA to downgrade, just to upgrade.

Jailbreaking your device is legal thanks to a DMCA exemption granted in 2012 and updated in 2015 which makes…

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