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Fix Modified Access To The Lobby Is Detected Error in PUBG (10/17/2023 Updated)

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Here’s how to Fix Modified Access To The Lobby Is Detected Error in PUBG.

The **”Modified Access to the Lobby is Detected”** error in **PUBG** is affecting many players. If you encounter this issue, try the following fixes:

1. **Reconnect**: Press the **reconnect** button multiple times. Sometimes, the error disappears after a few attempts.
2. **Log Out and Restart**: Log out of PUBG and completely restart the game or your system. This has helped players who couldn’t reconnect to the server.

Remember, PUBG developers are likely working on a permanent solution for this frequent issue. Stay updated through official channels!

i. In **PUBG**, the **lobby** is the first screen you encounter when you run the game. Here’s what you can do in the lobby:

1. **Game Modes**: Choose from **Solo**, **Duo**, or **Squad** modes.
2. **Invite Friends**: You can invite friends to join your game.
3. **Adjust Settings**: Modify game options.
4. **Leaderboard**: Check out the leaderboard.

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