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How-to: Bitcoin Full Node on Ubuntu 22.04

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In this video, I talk about how to install and configure a Bitcoin full node using a snap on Ubuntu 22.04.

One important thing I left out of the video is you need to go onto your Internet router and port forward tcp/8333 to your node to allow inbound Bitcoin node connections.

*** Since I recorded the video I’ve made some tweaks to the log rotation so the below doesn’t exactly match the video. ***

The basic steps are:

= Prep OS and install bitcoin core software
sudo su
apt update
apt upgrade
snap install bitcoin-core

= Create an account to run Bitcoin core in even more isolation from the rest of the system
groupadd btc
useradd -g btc -m s /bin/bash btc
su – btc

= Do a test run:
== If no errors then after 30s:
tail ~/snap/bitcoin-core/common/.bitcoin/debug.log

= Create the configuration file:
cd ~/snap/bitcoin-core/common
mkdir .bitcoin

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