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How to Fix Slow Buffering of Videos on Windows 10 [Tutorial]

How to Fix Slow Buffering of Videos on Windows 10 [Tutorial]

Streaming video often results in the stoppage of the video while the video “Buffers.” Buffering means the part of the video you’re trying to watch is currently downloading. Constant buffering usually occurs if your Internet connection is slow. You can decrease the amount of buffering that occurs throughout a streaming video in Windows Media Player by adjusting the buffer time. You typically cannot adjust the buffer time through online video players; however, you can access the video and let it load completely before watching it. This will prevent the video from buffering while it is playing.

You are trying to enjoy a YouTube, Netflix, or any streaming movie / TV show service, but the video streaming’s slow buffering lag is beginning to drive you mad. Of course, we all know the simple solution is to press pause and let the video finish buffering until it is fully loaded onto your computer. Well, I don’t know about you,…

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