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How to Use Slack – 2023 Tutorial For Beginners

Slack is a communication platform mainly used for work. Slack has been around since 2013 and was purchased by Salesforce in 2021 for 27 billion dollars.

You can use slack on, slack app for desktop on Mac or PC, or on Slack mobile app for iOS or Android.

To learn how to use Slack on iOS or Android, check out this video:

Slack is free to use, but they do offer paid upgrades that include more advanced features.
Some of the paid upgrades include unlimited message history and video and audio chats.

With Slack, you can create workspaces and invite co-workers or team members in order to get started. You can also join an existing workspace if someone else created it and is inviting you in.

Inviting Team Members:
Once you create a workspace, you can invite team members. Then, you can great channels.

Channels in slack are great for organizing your teams based on different topics.
There are plenty of channel settings that…

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