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iOS 15 – 16.4 JAILBREAK Big News: Rootless Tweaks Support Is Finally Getting Better! ALL DEVICES!

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In this video, we’re discussing the future of iOS Jailbreaking and some very good news. For a while now, ever since iOS 15.0, we’ve known that rootless jailbreaks are the new norm. iOS 15 came with sealed Root FS, so the solution was to build rootless jailbreaks that don’t touch the sealed file system.

Of course, this meant that all tweaks have to be re-built with rootless in mind, and for the longest time this task wasn’t as straightforward as you may think. Now, it looks like rootless starts to become supported more and more – Havoc Repo just added support for rootless tweaks today, and there’s talks that theos, the toolchain used to build iOS tweaks, is being updated to support rootless tweaks, finally making it easy for devs to update their tools.

IMPORTANT: This video is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use…

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