In this video, I coach one of the most underrated controller players in the Solo Victory Cash Cup. I’ve actually had this demon on my channel before, he won one of my controller vs keyboard & mouse tournaments, so I decided to bring him back since you guys have all been begging me to. No joke. Therefore, make sure to drop a like and subscribe if you enjoy, also check out GMoney since he is a beast, otherwise, TURN NOTIS ON AND USE CODE JERIAN!
As always, if you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel to stay up-to-date with my content. If you have any questions regarding the video, the channel, or myself, leave a comment and I will be sure to get back to you. If you want to support me, use creator code “Jerian” in the item shop! When you use my Creator Code or Link on the Epic Games Store, I receive money from those purchases.
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