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ekhoo gaming

increase gpu performance on your android | for 3D games | using setedit & adb

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increase gpu performance on your android | for 3D games | using setedit &adb #eglextensions #gpuextensions #debug.gles.layers #increasegpuandroid #setedit #setprop #debugcodes #seteditcodes #ekhoogaming #boostgpu #optimizegpu… Read More »increase gpu performance on your android | for 3D games | using setedit & adb

how to change screen touch delay on android | change tap duration threshold | with proof

How to change screen touch delay | change tap duration threshold | using setedit | with proof #screentouchdelay #tapdurationthreshold #fixscreentouchdelay #screentouchdelay #changescreentouch #increasescreentouch #boostscreentouch #setedittweaks… Read More »how to change screen touch delay on android | change tap duration threshold | with proof