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The Hidden Danger of Blue Light: How It Impacts Your Sleep, Health, and Mood, With Dr. Martin Moo…


Have you ever wondered why you feel so groggy and tired after spending hours scrolling on your phone or laptop at night?

The blue light emitted from our electronic devices and LED lights is disrupting our natural circadian rhythms, leading to sleep issues, increased disease risks, and other adverse health effects. This episode explores practical solutions to reduce blue light exposure and improve overall well-being.

Listen now to this eye-opening conversation with The Light Doctor, Dr. Martin Moore-Ede and take the first step towards reclaiming your natural sleep-wake cycle and overall health.


• LED lights emit blue light in the evening, which can disrupt our sleep, and immune system, and increase the risk of various health problems.

• Sunlight and outdoor exposure are crucial for our health, and spending time outside in the morning can have significant benefits.

• Blue blocking glasses can be effective in reducing…

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