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Ubuntu 22.04 Things To Do

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In this video I will be taking you through some of the steps of Things To Do in Ubuntu 22.04 after install, this process will be different from some of my previous things to do as I will be showing you how to download and start up a bash script which is menu driven from within a terminal, yes you need to use a terminal however this process is not complicated and once started it’s simple to use. Selections include updating your system, installing ubuntu-restricted-extras (Codecs) media players, removing snap packages, removing snapd completely, installing Flatpak, Web Browser support, Gnome Software, Gnome Tweaks, Extension Manager, Minimize on Click and a few others. The bash script can also be opened with a text editor if you wish to do so and you can check out the commands that are being used if that’s something you’re interested in learning. I will also be demonstrating how to install Nvidia drivers. Hope you enjoy the video.

Intro Music
Gustav Sting by Kevin MacLeod is…

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