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Unlock, Turn off and Bypass the Windows BitLocker in ONE MINUTE | If You are WELL PREPARED

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When the BitLocker recovery key is being generated, once it is finished, and then you should save it into your partition drive or ssd of your PC immediately . It is used to unlock the encrypted drive if you forget or lose your password. Hope this tutorial will help you in an advanced preparation so you don’t get into disaster of losing important data.

How to find a Bootable Drive ?
list volume

Open a command prompt, and Run As Administrator
Type the following command:
manage-bde -unlock D: -rp (BitLocker recovery key)
manage-bde -off D:
manage-bde -status D:

Note: D is the bootable drive letter in this case.

#WindowsBitLocker #BitLocker #UnlockBitLocker #OffBitLocker #BypassBitLocker #bitlocker

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